
Summer Snippets

August 5, 2011

1)  Still running.  But my endurance isn’t building as quick as I’d expected.  I’m pushing myself more and more, but it would be easier if I were doing the Couch to 5K.  But since I run with a partner, I don’t see how I can make both things work at once.  On the good news front, though – my back pain seems to have resolved itself.  I am greatly relieved.

2)  True Blood.  For the past two years, I’ve watched Season 1 and then Season 2 of True Blood while the girls were in the Middle of the Country and WD was off at his writerly retreat-like-thingy.  This year, I didn’t get that solo time, and it’s been challenging to fit Sookie in, along with all the blood and the gore.  But I missed it, and so I had Netflix send the disks on over.  One day last week, I had a court hearing in the morning and expected it to go all day.  WD had jury duty in antoher town, and the girls were at their creative arts day camp until 7 p.m.  Well.  My hearing ended early!  I had driven out to the ‘burbs for this particular hearing, and so drove the car home and thought, “huh.  I think I’ll stay home.”

And I dug in to Season 3.

Every second that I find the house empty of children, I watch another episode.  If they come home before it’s over, I lock the living room door and turn the volume way down.  Because, seriously.  This show is insane!  Every time I think they’ve gone over the top, they go even further over the top.

And I’m addicted.

WD and I have one night and one day to ourselves between one kid’s departure and another’s return, and sadly, I’m more excited about the opportunity to watch True Blood than I am about the opportunity to have sex without worrying about the noise level.

3)  Kids’ Activities.

(a) Lemon’s been in Canada since Monday.  I can’t believe she’s coming home in a couple of days already.  I’ve been stalking her races via the internet.  So far she has one boat progressing to semi finals, and that’s later this afternoon.  She’s racing right now – this minute – and I’m excited to see if they make it to semi’s and then finals (exciting, meaning I’m on the results page:  refresh, refresh, refresh).  If they make it to finals, they’ll be coming home on Monday.  If not, they come home on Sunday.

(b) Mouse leaves for camp tomorrow.  Two weeks of sleep away camp. She’s excited, and mostly packed.  This week has been blissfully unscheduled for her.  Her summer has been a revolving door of various friends, due to camp schedules.  This week one of her nearest & dearests was back home after a month of travel, and it was nice for her to have nothing to do so she could hang with her and the others who just returned.  She is rarely lacking something to do and a crowd to do it with.  Although yesterday we forced her to stay home and clean her room and pack for camp.

WD and I are looking forward to the trip to camp.  Her camp is on Lake Winnipesaukee, and we will repeat our routine from last year, where we drove around the lake and made our way to the coast.  We will go to the beach, and I will hopefully swim some, and then we will go to the Home of the Awesome Lobster Roll that I discovered a couple of weeks ago.  Then we’ll go home and watch True Blood.  Or not.  😉

(c)  Lemon has her unscheduled week once she’s back from Canada.  When Mouse was our solo and unscheduled child this past week, we had a vegetarian extravaganza – since Mouse doesn’t eat meat, neither did we.  I wonder if that means that now that Lemon is home, we’ll have a Red Meat Extravaganza?  Ha.  In reality – I’m sure we won’t see her but for a moment here and there.

And there we are.  August is a bunch of little jigsaw puzzle pieces fitting together with relative grace.  The second half of the month has Lemon traveling to the Middle of the Country,  and then the Ex coming here to visit with Mouse, and then …


(But I think I’ve already said enough about that.)

One comment

  1. I’m just back from a run and am reading this while I catch my breath. I don’t normally run with a partner and am trying to imagine what that would be like.

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